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Kishinchand Chellaram College has received funding under Fund for Improvement of S & T Infrastructure (FIST) grant, sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. Grant was sanctioned on 13th March, 2018. The college has received a sanction of Rs. 80.00 lakhs under this funding scheme. Out of the sanctioned amount, Rs. 62.00 lakhs have been received by the College. Out of which, the college has constructed a Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) with an area of 425 sq.ft and has purchased 16 instruments and equipment from the grant.
Few of the important instruments include BioRad Gel Doc EZ System, Shimadzu UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Professional VA Voltammetry, Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope TCM-400, Esco Aeris Thermal Cycler etc.
In addition to this; the college has also invested in building up a networking and computational facilities including Recording Camera and Accessories, 75-inch Touch Screen Interactive panel etc. Also, the college has established data servers, UPS supports, and high speed 100 MB internet connectivity.
The developed Central Instrumentation facility (CIF) has been utilized by teaching faculty, research scholars and UG and PG students of the college. The facility has also benefitted school students and faculties under the extension activity ‘Microfiesta’. Similarly, training on RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) (Result visualization) has also been conducted in association with Hi-Media Pvt. Ltd. Further, demonstrations on working of PCR, working of inverted microscope, visualization of plasmid and Genomic DNA etc has also been carried out. The beneficiaries have acknowledged the contribution of CIF in the research papers and theses too.
As the future plan of the college under FIST grant, the college aims to upgrade the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF), starting a new Certificate Program ‘Techniques in Instrumentation’, development of Student Training Virtual modules, and supporting start-ups and MSMEs such as Megapharma Industries, Sock manufacture startup etc. Further, strengthening Industry-Academia linkage, preparation of Sharable Resource Database etc has also been envisioned.