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National Service Scheme(NSS)
The college offers opportunity to the students for personality development and self growth through N. S. S. The N. S. S. unit of the college has been very active for over two decades in serving the society. Through guidance of dedicated teachers and enthusiastically working student volunteers, N.S.S. has achieved the objective of Personality Development through community service and the N. S. S. Motto of “Not me but you”.
Various programmes of NSS include Blood Donation camps, Environmental Awareness Projects and Literacy Programmes for under privileged children, organizing ‘Anandostav’ a fun filled day for the under-privileged of the society.
The N.S.S. Unit adopted Karwale, a village at Saphale, and initiated the process of development by creating awareness towards literacy by building a community centre and distribution of reading & writing materials. To ensure better hygiene, construction of toilets have been done by the students themselves, and a road to the village from the highway has been constructed. Towards women empowerment vocational training is given regularly to make utility articles which the students help them to market. Health check-up camps are regularly done and they are assisted for any further medical requirements. Recently, the N.S.S. unit has provided free cataract operations for 20 tribals. K.C. NSS is looking forward to a village with 100% sanitation and empowerment.
To express solidarity with the cause of social reforms, the college unit also participates in peace marches and rallies organized by the central Unit of Mumbai N.S.S. Unit.
K.C. NSS unit also witnesses participation in NRD (National Republic Day) parade and SRD (State Republic Day) parade. Hardworking volunteers also get opportunities to participate in various camps like adventure camp, personality development camp and cultural exchange programs. One of those student, Ms. Kasturi Apte, had gone to China on a youth exchange programme.
The unit has also been recognized for its exemplary work by being awarded twice at the University level and once at state level. Dr. Satish Kolte has also been awarded once at the University level and once at the state level as the ‘Best District Co-ordinator’. The ‘Best Student volunteer’ award has come to K.C. 6 times in a row. Ms. Jahanara Shaikh and Ms. Kasturi Apte have also achieved State level awards for ‘Best NSS Volunteer’. Ms. Kasturi Apte’s has been adjudged the ‘Best NSS Volunteer’ for her and for which has been awarded “Indira Gandhi” award at National level.
Students, who volunteer for this two-year programme of the University of Mumbai, are eligible for 10 grace marks in their final examinations. They have to put in 120 hours of work by participating in the above programmes to be eligible for the grace marks.

NSS National Award Delhi

NSS National Award Delhi

Construction of 67 toilets in Village Karwale

Construction of 67 toilets in Village Karwale

Construction of 67 toilets in Village Karwale

Kanyadaan Project

Kanyadaan Project

Cataract surgeries

Cataract surgeries

Cataract surgeries

Cataract surgeries

Cataract surgeries

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

Digital Education

Digital Education

Digital Education

Digital Education

Disaster Preparedness Workshop

Disaster Preparedness Workshop

Disaster Preparedness Workshop

Disaster Preparedness Workshop

Swayam Siddha Project

Swayam Siddha Project

Swayam Siddha Project

Swayam Siddha Project

Swayam Siddha Project




